Our facilities
SIRTA is located on the Saclay plateau, in a semi-urban environment, 25 km south of the Paris city centre, influenced by local and/or regional air masses (depending on the meteorological conditions).
- The SIRTA is distributed over three geographical areas within a perimeter of less than 5 km. How to get there? See page “contact”.
SIRTA gathers an ensemble of state-of-the-art active and passive remote sensing instruments and in-situ sensors deployed by several research laboratories. The SIRTA infrastructure supports research on formation mechanisms and chemical processes of gaseous and particulate compounds and all physical processes related to greenhouse gases, aerosols and clouds. Two associated centres of expertise are hosted at SIRTA, the Centre for Cloud Remote Sensing (CCRES) and the Aerosol Chemical Measurement CC).
Zone 1 Main Observatory
A 2.5-ha plot located in a 40-ha park which gathers most of the remote sensing means and some in-situ sensors to measure properties of clouds, aerosols, atmospheric dynamics and radiation. It is hosting the ACTRIS Centre for Cloud Remote Sensing (CCRES). Zone 1 is operated by IPSL and LMD.
Zone 2 Radiometric Platform
A radiometric platform located on the roof of the LMD building (Ecole Polytechnique), which hosts radiometers and imagers in the visible and infrared domains. Zone 2 is operated by IPSL and LMD.
Zone 5 Reactives gazes and aerosol in-situ
A station for in-situ measurements of reactive gases and physico-chemical properties of aerosols, located at the CEA site of Orme-des-merisiers. It is is hosting the ACTRIS ACMCC expertise center. Zone 5 is operated by LSCE.